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Willard Community Center

Early Childhood Programs

Snow Much Fun in Pre-k!

After a windy and chilly snow day at home, the pre-k class bundled up in their warmest gear and headed outside. From building the cutest snow creatures to friendly snowball battles and making snow angels, their giggles and excitement . . .

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Join Us at the Early Childhood Family Fair February 16

Dreaming of sunshine and summer fun? So are we! Escape the winter blues and get a head start on summer at the Early Childhood Family Fair this Sunday, February 16, from 2:00-4:00 PM at Gateway Mall! We’ll be giving away . . .

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Clothing Donations Essential to Programs

Thank you to the LeBaron family for their thoughtful clothing donation to our Early Childhood Program. Having extra clothes on hand is so essential for our little learners as they explore, play, and grow each day. Whether it’s a messy . . .

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To Infinity & Beyond Grateful to the Hernandez Family

We are beyond grateful to the Hernandez family for their incredible donation of toys, books, and dress-up outfits! The kids are absolutely over the moon and so are we for your generosity! Thank you for thinking of Willard and our . . .

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Celebrating Excellence in Early Childhood Education!

We are incredibly proud to announce that our Early Childhood team has achieved a Step 4 rating out of 5 in the Step Up to Quality program—missing the highest rating by just 0.01 points! This remarkable achievement is a testament . . .

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Thank You, Micek Family!

Big shout-out to the Micek family for their toy donation! We know the kids are going to love these new treasures.

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Grateful for the Gift of Play!

A huge THANK YOU to the Matzner Family for their generous donation of such fun and exciting toys for our Early Childhood Program! The children are already thrilled, and we know these will bring so much joy and love for years to come. . . .

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Thank You for Supporting Early Childhood Education

Willard Community Center is honored to be selected by the City of Lincoln-Lancaster County Joint Budget Committee to receive $100,000 in funding for our Childcare Assistance Program. These critical funds will be used to retain dedicated . . .

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Buddies, Breakfast, and Big Smiles!

On Tuesday, December 3, we had an absolute blast hosting our Early Childhood students and their wonderful family and friends for Breakfast With a Buddy !  Laughter, yummy food, and plenty of buddy bonding filled the . . .

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Growing Together: The Pre-k Garden Adventure

The Pre-k class is cultivating their very own garden! They've enthusiastically planted, watered, and are dedicating plenty of love and care to ensure their plants thrive and grow.  

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Educational Materials Donated to Preschool Classroom

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the individuals who generously donated educational materials and learning manipulatives valued at $291.63 to our preschool classroom. Your kindness and support are truly appreciated!

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Engine 13 Visits Preschool & Pre-k

On Friday, November 8, the Lincoln Fire & Rescue Engine 13 for stopped by our Early Childhood Program. We had a blast learning about their awesome fire engine and all the cool jobs they do. Even though we had to wrap up a . . .

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Pre-k Enjoys the Morning at Roca Berry Farm

Yesterday, the Pre-k class enjoyed the brisk fall morning at Roca Berry Farm ! They bounced, found their way out of the corn maze, went down slides, ziplined, saw farm animals, used their large motor muscles on the fun playground . . .

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Pre-k's Mystery Baking Challenge

The theme this week in Pre-k was "Mystery Baking Challenge." The Pre-k chefs had a fantastic time making their own loaves of bread at the end of the week. Yummy!

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Preschoolers go to Pearson's Pumpkin Place!

October 9th the Preschool class enjoyed the morning at the pumpkin patch.  At the end of the trip, they each got to take home a pumpkin! What a fun day spent making memories!  

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Preschool & Pre-K Child Care Parent Handbook

Preschool & Pre-K Parent Handbook

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Pre-k Hatches 8 Chicks In Classroom

As part of the 'Look Who's Hatching' Program through the Extension Office, our pre-k class has been loving every minute of watching these little chicks peck their way out of their shells. The class started with 12 eggs, and . . .

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Husker Game Day in Preschool

The preschool class is psyched for Husker Game Day! They celebrated the whole day. They painted footballs, chanted all day, and played football building those large motor muscles and hand-eye coordination skills. We're pumped . . .

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A is for Apples

The week of September 9th was All About Apples in the preschool classroom.  The kids learned about the different types of apples. They cut open apples to investigate the inside (and even found a star in the middle!). Taste testing . . .

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Look Who's Hatching in Pre-k

Our pre-k class can hardly wait to see who hatches from the eggs they are taking great care of in their classroom. We have some great guesses too; unicorns, ducks, crocodiles & alligators, dinosaurs, chicks, turtles, and Hulk . . .

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Preschool & Pre-k Open Enrollment

Our experienced teachers and engaging curriculum offer children the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing environment. For children 3 to 5 years old. Call or email Kaylee Ohmart, Willard’s Early Childhood Director, today to . . .

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LES Brings the High Voltage Demonstration to Willard

Today's educational experience: Lincoln Electric System (LES) demonstration with the High Voltage Presentation. All the Willard kids thoroughly enjoyed our guests, learning about high-voltage safety, and especially seeing the . . .

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The Early Childhood Program Visits Pioneers Park & Nature Center

The preschool & pre-k class enjoyed the morning at Pioneers Park and Nature Center. They loved investigating the different bugs, plants, and noises while they hiked through the park!

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The Pre-k Students Take a Trip to the Lincoln Zoo

On May 2, the pre-k students enjoyed the yearly end-of-the-year trip to the Lincoln Children's Zoo. They loved feeding the giraffe and watching the penguins being fed!  

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Join Us May 4

Willard Community Center will be hosting a garage sale at our old pre-k location at 1030 West 'Q' Street on May 4 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.   There are so many items; you don't want to miss this!  

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Lincoln Fresh Helps Willard Families Receive Produce Too

We love that the Food Bank of Lincoln, Lincoln Fresh Produce Truck, parks in front of Willard every other Tuesday from 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, allowing our kids to receive fresh fruits and vegetables to take home! 🍉🌽🍊🍠 We are thankful to . . .

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Easter Bunny Hides Eggs for Preschool & Pre-k

We were so EGGcited when we noticed the Easter Bunny had hopped and dropped eggs all around the playground for the preschool and pre-k classes. The kids searched high and low and found all the goodies left for them. Thank you, . . .

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Join Us February 18 at the Early Childhood Family Fair

Join us at the Gateway Mall for arts, crafts, activity, and a concert by the String Beans-all for free! Kids will enjoy: A free book from Lincoln City Libraries & Read Aloud Exploring natural materials Discovering sensory . . .

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February is the Month of Lincoln Littles - Support by Donating Today!

A thriving community begins with quality early care and education. Join Willard with an investment in the important work of Lincoln Littles this February! Your gift will support Lincoln Littles’ programs, operations, and initiatives . . .

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Preschool & Pre-k Open Enrollment

Open enrollment for preschool & pre-k; ages 3-to-5 years. Contact Tabitha Love or Kaylee Ohmart at 402-475-0805 to set up your tour today!  

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Willard Receives Donation of 6 iPads, Chargers, and Charging Dock

Willard received a surprising and unexpected donation of six iPads from LI-COR Biosciences. Ivan Johnson also donated six chargers and a charging dock for the iPads. The iPads will be used in the early childhood program. The . . .

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Money, Labor, and Time All Donated to Update Preschool's Storage Closet

We are incredibly thankful to Mr. Ivan Johnson who donated his labor and the 15 hours it took for him to build and update the preschool closet. Lincoln Industries graciously donated $220 for the materials.  . . .

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Willard Hosts Breakfast with a Buddy for Early Childhood Families

On Tuesday, December 5, Willard hosted Breakfast with a Buddy for the early childhood programs. The preschool & pre-k kids were invited to bring four buddies to enjoy a light breakfast at the Center.  Thank you to all the . . .

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Preschool & Pre-k Classes Visit Pumpkin Patches

With Halloween just around the corner, what a perfect time to take a few field trips to celebrate fall! On September 26, the pre-k class enjoyed the morning at Roca Berry Farm. The kids loved the giant jumping pillow, the zipline, and . . .

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Congratulations to our Preschool & Pre-k Graduates!


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Pre-k Celebrates the End of the Year with a Trip to the Zoo

It's a yearly tradition to take the Pre-k kids to the Lincoln Children's Zoo at the end of each school year.  The kids enjoy seeing all the animals, feeding the giraffes and goats, recycling paper with Leo the Lion, watching . . .

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This February, Consider Donating to Lincoln Littles

Information included below on Lincoln Littles has been taken from their website. For more information or to donate to our Littles, please visit  lincolnlittles.org "Lincoln Littles is transforming the landscape of early . . .

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Willard Community Center is stepping it up with 'Step Up to Quality'.

Lincoln Journal Star

       Willard Community Center has been recognized as a step 4 with Step Up To Quality!     We are celebrating! Our preschool classroom, led by Miss Candi, recently . . .

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