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Willard Community Center

Thank You

Another Wonderful Donation from To The Brim Communities

We’re so grateful to receive another meal donation from To The Brim Communities ! Their continual generosity brings fresh ingredients and healthy meal options to those in need, making a real difference in our community. Thank you for . . .

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Scout's Honor: Spreading Kindness One Meal at a Time!

✨ A Huge Thank You to Boy Scouts Pack 55! ✨ We are so grateful to Cub Scout Pack 55 for their generous food donation to our Blessings Box! Your kindness and community spirit are making a real difference in the lives of those in need. . . .

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Grateful for an Amazing Anonymous Gift!

"Wow! A huge THANK YOU to the generous person who anonymously donated a Wii, accessories, and games! Your kindness will bring so much joy and fun to others. We truly appreciate your generosity! 

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Our Hearts Are Warm, Even as the Meals Are Frozen!

We’re feeling so grateful today for another wonderful frozen meal donation from To The Brim Communities ! Their generosity continues to nourish both bodies and hearts in our community. 💕 With each meal shared, we're reminded . . .

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Community, Connection, and Care—Thank You for an Amazing Pal-entine’s Day!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support the Schroder Park Wellness Campus and joined us for a Pal-entine’s Day Lunch! Your presence, kindness, and community spirit made the event truly special. A special shoutout . . .

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To The Brim Communities Donates Frozen Meals, Continuing Their Generous Support for Our Community

Thank you To The Brim Communities for another generous donation of frozen meals! Your continued support means the world to us, and we are so grateful for the difference you're making in our community.

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Clothing Donations Essential to Programs

Thank you to the LeBaron family for their thoughtful clothing donation to our Early Childhood Program. Having extra clothes on hand is so essential for our little learners as they explore, play, and grow each day. Whether it’s a messy . . .

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To Infinity & Beyond Grateful to the Hernandez Family

We are beyond grateful to the Hernandez family for their incredible donation of toys, books, and dress-up outfits! The kids are absolutely over the moon and so are we for your generosity! Thank you for thinking of Willard and our . . .

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Generosity in Action: Free Meals Available!

We're feeling pretty spoiled over here as we received another wonderful food donation from To The Brim Communities . Thanks to their kindness, we have plenty of meals available for anyone in need! If you or someone you know could . . .

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Thank You, Micek Family!

Big shout-out to the Micek family for their toy donation! We know the kids are going to love these new treasures.

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Freezer Full, Hearts Fuller! Thanks, To The Brim Communities!

Our freezer is officially full! Big thank you, To The Brim Communities for another super generous donation. If you know anyone who could use a little extra help with meals, send them our way- we've got plenty to share! . . .

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You’re All That and a Bag of Corn! Thanks, To The Brim Communities!

Oh, shucks! We’re feeling ear-resistibly grateful to To The Brim Communities for another a-maize-ing food donation. Thanks for stalk-ing up on kindness and reminding us all how sweet it is to give back!

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Swinging into Fun: Thank You, Jim Ager!

The Lakeview CLC after-school program had a "tee-rific" time on Friday, January 17, learning the fundamentals of golf with members from the Jim Ager Golf Course. Thanks for helping us "putt" smiles on their . . .

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Grateful for the Gift of Play!

A huge THANK YOU to the Matzner Family for their generous donation of such fun and exciting toys for our Early Childhood Program! The children are already thrilled, and we know these will bring so much joy and love for years to come. . . .

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FNIC's Timely Donation Brings Warmth to Lincoln Ahead of the Storm

With a snowstorm on the horizon, the FNIC Group Lincoln office's timely donation of winter weather gear couldn't have come at a better time and is greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping to keep our community warm!

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