Family Engagement Nights a Success at Lakeview
Recent family nights included Skate Night held at Skate Zone, Nature Night and Tennis Night. Take a look at a few pictures to see how much fun we've had! Bring your family and join us on the following family nights: . . .
Half Price YMCA for CLC Kids
Half Price YMCA for CLC Kids Rates for YMCA sports will be 1/2 off the community membership fee for any child involved in CLC. If a CLC participant already has a Y membership, $10 is taken off . . .

Lakeview Family Fitness Night
Lakeview held its Family Fitness Night on Thursday, November 14th. Over 90 participants came to partake in the twelve different fitness rotations. Some of the rotations included: flexibility flex & reach, jump rope, modified . . .

Lakeview Pumpkin Walk
Lakeview Pumpkin Walk Lakeview Elementary and the Lakeview CLC held its annual Pumpkin Walk on October 10th. The event gathered 233 parents, students and community members. Lakeview families were invited to get . . .