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Willard Community Center



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Thank you to JoAnn Templeton for Memorial to Willard Community Center

The Willard Community Center would like to recognize and celebrate the life of JoAnn Templeton, 80, who passed away May 11, 2016.  JoAnn will always be remembered as being a very giving person who loved her family, church, neighborhood, and the Willard Community Center.  JoAnn requested that half of the memorials from her funeral be given to Willard Community Center which amounted to $480.00.  The real surprise and gift came later when the family discovered a Certificate of Deposit that listed “Willard” as the beneficiary.  That CD valued $5,416.39 for a total gift to Willard of $5,896.39.  She was a part of the Willard family and this community her whole life and we are grateful that she made arrangements to help Willard even after her passing. 

JoAnn was born August 16, 1935 in Lincoln, NE to Ford and Cora (Revis) Templeton.  JoAnn grew up in the West “A” neighborhood and lived most of her life in a house that was built by her father.  JoAnn attended grade school at Willard School at 1245 Folsom Street, currently the Willard Community Center. 

JoAnn was a regular bingo participant at Willard Community Center and was known for her love of holidays.  JoAnn would make special treats or share holiday goodies with all of the bingo players and the staff.  She even made homemade counted cross stitch items for gifts.  JoAnn also participated in monthly pot luck lunches and special activities and events held at Willard.  JoAnn’s smiling face will be dearly missed at the Willard Community Center.